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I am a Postdoctoral Scholar in the Computational Media Department at UC Santa Cruz working in the Authentic User Experience Lab with Dr. Norman Su. I received my PhD in Informatics from Penn State University. 


I primarily employ qualitative methods to gain a deep, nuanced understanding of how marginalized and decentered users engage with and are impacted by contemporary technologies. Much of my prior work has focused on rural areas, where I have investigated intra-rural digital divides, which are digital inequalities present between and within rural communities, and have developed digital literacy education that is informed by cultural tenets of rural Appalachia. For my broader research agenda, I am invested in understanding the ways that technology creates and perpetuates injustice and aim to remediate those injustices through transformative approaches to technology.

I am on the job market seeking a tenure-track faculty role in iSchools, Computer Science, or Media Studies. Contact me at rejonas (at) ucsc (dot) edu

What's new?

I began working as a Postdoctoral Scholar in the AUX Lab at UC Santa Cruz

June, 2024

My work ""We happen to be different and different is not bad": Designing for Intersectional Fat-Positive Information-Seeking" was presented at CHI 2024

May 2024

I graduated from Penn State University with a PhD in Informatics

May, 2024

I successfully defended my dissertation "Intra-Rural Digital Divides in Appalachia: Pathways for Digital Literacy and Inclusion"

February, 2024

I presented my work "Supporting from the Background: How a Mobile Application for Parent Skills Development Encourages Authoritative Parenting" at CSCW 2023

October 2023

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